Political Development of People’s Participation in Politics in the City Municipality of Thailand

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ภาดิน โชติเวศย์ศิลป์


This study aims to 1) study the context and development an environment of political participation in the Thai metropolis 2) study strategies for political participation development in Thai municipality and 3) evaluate the appropriateness of the strategic development of public participation in politics in the municipality of Thailand. The studied areas were in the Municipality in Thailand. The researcher used a hybrid research methodology which was qualitative research. The data were collected by using the structured interview and organizing a workshop to obtain opinions. The experts were selected to evaluate an appropriate assessment and the possibility of a strategy to develop public participation in politics in the municipality of Thailand.

The research found that:

  1. The results of contextual study and developmental environment of people's political participation in the metropolitan area of Thailand showed that the environment in the municipal administration. There is an incentive for people to participate in the administration. People have attitudes, values, beliefs, cultures that are linked to political administration. The participants have knowledge and understanding of the political system in the democratic system with the monarchy, the public relations campaign and recognition of political communication channels.
    1. The results of the study on the development strategy of public participation in politics in the municipality of Thailand found that there are strategic issues that can be applied to all 12 strategic issues.

    2. The results of the evaluation of the appropriateness of the strategy for the development of public participation in the political area of the Thai city municipality were appropriate and feasible at a high level.

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How to Cite
โชติเวศย์ศิลป์ ภ. (2019). Political Development of People’s Participation in Politics in the City Municipality of Thailand. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 5(2), 1–30. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssnsru/article/view/212988
Editorial Note


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