The Theory of Art Creation

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Narongchai Pidokrajt


The academic article named “The Theory of Art Creation” aimed to present the concepts and theories used in art creation. The article demonstrates the philosophy of axiology which concerns aesthetics, the value which is conveyed through emotions and feelings towards beauty and melodiousness. Art creation occurs from the thought of the artist, which is composed of the databases and social and cultural contexts. While art creation originates from the methodological process with the result as the database, the framework of creative research uses the process of arts and sciences. The theory of art creation concerns two concepts: the creational concept and the concept of various characteristics of the creation. The creational concept reveals that art creation occurs from the human action, the primary knowledge which arises from the imagination, the development of the primary knowledge by using the methodological research result, and the intuitiveness which develops into the art property of the nation. When the art property which demonstrates the readiness of humanity occurs, it will evolve into the intangible heritage. The concept of various characteristics of the creation describes five qualities of art creation. The first quality is the people’s way of life, nature, environment, and cultural process which connects with art creation. The second quality is the internal factors concerning belief, religion, faith, and love, which affect art creation. The third quality is the external factors concerning globalization and the dissemination of science, technology, and innovation, which affect art creation. The fourth quality is that art creation can be learned, cultivated, transmitted, generated, and developed. The fifth quality is that the value of art creation depends on the audience’s knowledge and experience in art, which are used as the direction of the criticism and the evaluation towards the value of art creation.

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How to Cite
Pidokrajt, N. . . (2020). The Theory of Art Creation. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 234–248. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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