Housing Estate Juristic Person Law and Public Property Management, Public Utilities

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Siriwan Kamolsuksatit


The central utility management of the housing estate juristic person is a concept that occurs in the form of community living, which results in the public property or land in the middle for public services and the use of public housing utilities as one form of community living that results in a property or land that is central. In the past, the government created the public domain in each area according to the readiness of the budget and the needs of the people. Later, the role of the announcement of the committee was changed. The Revolution No. 286 dated November 24, 1972 was the law that used to allocate land and the first announcement of the Revolutionary Council 286 was abolished and the royal decree. Land allocation law B.E. 2543 was issued with a focus on the main issue: a private organization should be established as a legal person until the amendment of the Land Allocation Act B.E. 2543 (Issue 2) B.E. 2015, the establishment of the "Housing Estate Juristic Person” is therefore the creation of an organization that has played a role in increasing quality of life in today's society in order to transfer public utilities and public services. Of the housing village after the land developer went to look after the maintenance to be a juristic person in order to have the authority and duty to look after the common property, which is the land that is public providing mutual utility and public services in the housing project leads to members of the community to view, manage, use, maintain, and benefit their own communities as intended and at the same time The state is able to proceed to provide public services to the people as needed in other matters.     

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How to Cite
Kamolsuksatit, S. . (2020). Housing Estate Juristic Person Law and Public Property Management, Public Utilities. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 249–260. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssnsru/article/view/241630
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