Identity Construction of Southern Thai People Through Shadow Play

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Saranee Wessayasirin
Wittayatorn Tokeaw
Supaporn Sridee
Pittaya Budsararat


The objectives of this research were to study 1) the prevailing identity of southern Thais in the Songkhla Lake Basin region; 2) tactics in which the identity of southern Thais is constructed via the folk medium of shadow plays; and 3) shadow play viewers’ signification of the meaning of southern Thai people. This was a qualitative research based on documentary research, analysis of shadow play scripts, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The key informants came from 3 groups: 1) conservative shadow play troupes, represented by master Rungwichien Talungsiangtong; 2) mixed shadow play troupes, represented by master Naeb Nualjan Sor Nakarin; and 3) modern shadow play troupes, represented by master Iadnuy Sor Klaonoy. The other 9 purposively selected samples represented 3 kinds of audience members: regular shadow play fans, occasional watchers, and popular trend followers. The research tools were a document analysis form, a shadow play script analysis form, an in-depth interview form and a focus group discussion form. Data were analyzed through descriptive analysis.

The results showed that 1) for the prevailing identity of southern Thais in the Songkhla Lake Basin region, (a) they inhabit mountains, forests, fields, and the sea; the climate consists of a rainy season and a hot season with local wind patterns; and they live in houses raised on stilts; (b) the people are Buddist, Muslim and Thai of Chinese descent ,are dark-skinned with curly hair and dark eyes, strong and slight figures, and sharp chins; their characters are grateful, honorable, good at negotiating and loyal to their group; they tend to wear traditional sarongs made of homespun cotton; they are farmers, fishermen and tradesmen; they speak particular local dialects; they eat spicy foods made from local ingredients with condiments; and (c) their worldview is influenced by beliefs about religion and the supernatural; and they practice customs based on their way of life and beliefs. 2) As for tactics in which the identity of southern Thais is constructed via shadow plays, shadow play performers use the Western method of storytelling and also tactics specific to the shadow play art form that are based on local traditions. The identity of southern Thais encoded in shadow play performances consists of (a) their habitation, both supernatural and in real life; (b) individuals who are superhuman, high class and common folk; (c) a world view with belief in the supernatural, respect for the sacred and for teachers, valuing good deeds, mercy, obedience and nationalism; 3) shadow play viewers’ signification of the meaning of southern Thai people (a) habitations were in imaginary scenes and in real life places; (b) characters represented superhuman figures, high class people and common folk; (c) the worldview was transmitted through belief in sacred rituals and southern Thai art and culture; (d) negotiating, defiance and acceptance as viewers accepted the individual identity of southern Thai people as represented by the clown character in the shadow play because of his style of dress, personality, language, culinary style, and occupation, which matched the southern Thai identity that prevailed in the locality and that was portrayed in shadow play performances

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How to Cite
Wessayasirin, S. ., Tokeaw, W. ., Sridee, S. . ., & Budsararat , P. . (2020). Identity Construction of Southern Thai People Through Shadow Play. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 334–352. retrieved from
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