An Analysis of Writing Reviews in Facebook Fan Page of TripTH Trip Thailand

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Nittaya Meesuwan


The research article on an Analysis of Writing Reviews in TripTH Trip Thailand Facebook Fanpage aims to study presenting contents, writing styles and the language use in writing reviews in TripTH Trip Thailand Facebook Fanpage. The data used were 131 writing reviews from Bloggers in TripTH Trip Thailand Facebook Fanpage during February 1-29, 2020. The findings presented that the contents could be categorized into two types: 1) reviews with travel content and 2) reviews with non-related travel content. Writing techniques consisted of 4 features, namely the title, the introduction, the content, and the conclusion. The most outstanding writing technique from the analysis is naming the title which comprised 6 methods. The most popular use was naming the title from uniqueness of the place followed by naming the title from the official name of the place, naming the title from the tourist attraction, the restaurant or the accommodation, using rhyme, using questioning, and naming the title according to the travel style. The language use in the writing reviews in TripTH Trip Thailand Facebook Fanpage consists of using wording, eloquence, figures of speech, symbols, and Emoji. The use of word was the most outstanding technique in the reviews. Twelve best uses sorted in descending order were: English transliteration, using modifiers, modified sounds, repetition, reduplication, synonymous compound, rhyming, word segmentation, abbreviation, onomatopoeia, slang, and dialect.

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How to Cite
Meesuwan, N. (2020). An Analysis of Writing Reviews in Facebook Fan Page of TripTH Trip Thailand. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 7(1), 30–47. Retrieved from
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