The Effectiveness of Active Learning Techniques in Business Presentation Course

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Anongnart Tananchai


Presentation is a communication method to convey information for having mutual understanding between senders and receivers. To be accepted or approved the information successfully, presenters must be trained professionally. Presentation is considered as an essential skill for many careers and daily lives which consists of thinking, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and communicating skills. To develop presentation skills, therefore, students have to be given an opportunity to perform in both speaking and writing forms individually as well as in pairs and groups. Their performances can be evaluated by their abilities to speak and present in a variety of strategies in business fields. The instructor uses active learning techniques as a tool to develop presentation skills for students in which the instructor creates a learning environment to motivate students with activities for creating ideas and new knowledge by oneself from existing knowledge while studying, practicing, discussing, presenting, and interacting with each other. Students have to study the relevant content in advance before going to the classroom. Consequently, teachers must be knowledgeable, skillful, and proficient in up-to-date content. They have to provide the process to develop learning methods, to standardize learning and to create the environment in the classroom for students and students will get feedback immediately so that they know how to improve and develop themselves.

            To teach how to give a business presentation with active learning aims to develop students in terms of leadership in order to make the right decision and learning skills for lifelong learning. This emphasizes the integration of knowledge in class to apply in their real lives within different activities of student-centered learning. Namely, students take part in designing the course, cognitive thinking, learning and doing by themselves. As a result, students will be able to acquire the presentation skills and capabilities they can apply to work for organizations. Similarly, teachers gain more teaching experiences, skills, insights, and learn new things with students, which is the way to develop themselves, develop work, and develop students all together.

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How to Cite
Tananchai, A. (2020). The Effectiveness of Active Learning Techniques in Business Presentation Course. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 7(1), 48–63. Retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Anongnart Tananchai, Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University

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