Local Regulation Model on The Management of Bueng Boraphet Wet Land of Nakornsawan Province

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Thitaporn Noynalum
Sunee Mallikamarl


The research objective is to find out the management of Bueng Boraphet wetland of Nakhon Sawan Province by the participation of local governments and local people in accordance with the management of Ramsar Wetlands. The research methodology adopted is a qualitative research consisting of the documentary research; in-depth interview; participatory design, co-design; and hearing. The research results led to formulate local regulation model.

            The research results found out that the legal based for Local Administrative Organization to participate the management of Bueng Boraphet wetland are Determing Plan and Procedures in Decentralizations to the Local Administrative Organization B.E.2542 and laws on the Establishment of the Local Administrative Organization, in order to formulate the Local regulation

which provide power and duty in management, and the people participation as well for wise use and sustainable development of wetland, in order to be accepted to be a Ramsar Wetlands as to Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, 1975.

The research suggested that the local regulation model on the management of Bueng Boraphet wetland of Nakhon Sawan Province be issued as to the Model Regulation in order for the Local Administrative Organizations in the area and the people to participate the management of Bueng Boraphet wetland.

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How to Cite
Noynalum , T. ., & Mallikamarl, S. . (2021). Local Regulation Model on The Management of Bueng Boraphet Wet Land of Nakornsawan Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 7(2), 116–134. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssnsru/article/view/247045
Research Articles


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