Motivation for Undergraduate Students' studying Chinese to Thai Translation

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Kwandaw Mayou
Napatsorn Luengsaksri
Chotiwan Yaemkhayai
Mutita Satathusat


Motivation is the powers that can be drive students to show their behaviors and actions that can lead them to their goals. Therefore motivation is very important to study all subjects, especially a specialized subject “Chinese to Thai Translation”. A majority of the students encounter problems and obstacles in their studies that make them feel discouraged and easily give up. According to the responsibility in the teaching on Chinese to Thai Translation subject, author found that majority students realized that this subject was very difficult, textbooks and teaching materials were inconsistent with their knowledge level, the classroom environment was not attractive, as well as teachers’ teaching methods was not diverse. These problems caused students lack of motivation to study. So, the author conducts a study on motivation for undergraduate students' studying Chinese to Thai Translation subject. Teachers should create positive attitude to students, make an interesting and different class, provide teaching materials which are consistent with students' knowledge level, in addition, teachers should develop their skills and knowledge to become more proficient. These methods benefit creating a positive attitude toward students, making students more enjoyable and achieving the Chinese to Thai Translation subject’s objectives.

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How to Cite
Mayou, K. ., Luengsaksri, N. ., Yaemkhayai , C. ., & Satathusat , M. . (2021). Motivation for Undergraduate Students’ studying Chinese to Thai Translation. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 7(2), 200–208. Retrieved from
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