Media design for promoting cultural tourism inspired by the way of life, local wisdom, and identities of folk performances appear in the Songkhla Lake Basin

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Wongvarut Intanai
Peerapong Panthasri
Buncha Julukun


The objectives of this research are as followed: (1) to study the context of everyday life, local wisdoms, and identities of folk performances as appeared in the Songkhla Lake Basin; (2) to create media design for promotion of cultural tourism in the Songkhla Lake Basin; and (3) to publish the public-relations media for promotion of cultural tourism. As the scope of this research, a purposive sampling of areas connected the Songkhla Lake Basin including Songkhla, Patthalung, and Nakhon Si Thammarat is deployed, while the public-relation media created are based upon the way of life, local wisdom, and the cultural identities of local performances in this area. Our sample entails 150 individuals within the community of folk performances and the 3 experts in the field of public-relation media design.

The analysis of the development of the public-relations media involving the communities of folk performances from the three provinces surrounded by Songkhla Lake Basin was performed. The findings demonstrated an overall satisfaction level toward public-relations media at a high level (x ̅=4.58). On the other hand, according to the experts, the public relations media successfully revealed tourist attractions, way of life, and cultural uniqueness that connected the three provinces to the viewers through the presenters, who managed to persuade the viewers to visit the actual places as well as to stimulate interest to the public relations media.

The result demonstrates that the public-relations media offers genuine potentials for energetic promotion of cultural tourism by integrating the local community's identities through attractive video media, representing beautiful tourist attractions, unique cultures, local wisdoms, and ways of life. The community can possibly utilizes the public-relation medias created in this product for promotion activities into the future, distributing them through various local channels.

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How to Cite
Intanai, W. ., Panthasri , P. ., & Julukun, B. . (2021). Media design for promoting cultural tourism inspired by the way of life, local wisdom, and identities of folk performances appear in the Songkhla Lake Basin. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 8(1), 124–140. Retrieved from
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