“Himmapan” Symphonic Poem for the trombone ensemble: The Cycle Process

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Thitinun Charoensloong
Narongrit Thammabutr


Himmapan” Symphonic Poem for the trombone ensemble: The Cycle Process. It was a creative researched to composed a symphonic poem type of music for a trombone. The researcher was inspired to travel in the Himmapan forest. which was a forest in literature and belief in Triphum according to the beliefs of Buddhism and Brahmins–Hinduism (Triphum:2555). It was believed that the Himmapan Forest is a place It was covered with snow all year round, located in the Indian subcontinent. Consisting of 7 sacred ponds, each pond was also home to the creatures that have a cycle of death and birth. The researcher has proposed ideas and content with 3 composing experts, resulting in the creation of songs. “Himmapan” was the structure and concept of the Symphonic Poem song for the trombone band.

          In the first movement; The Cycle Process: the researcher chooses to use ternary form; an introduction and section A represent the main melody of this movement. Section B was the development of melody and harmony. Finally, the return of section A' combined with the coda of the song. Therefore, the researcher used a quintal harmony and using the C and G pentatonic scales and extended technique for trombones, non-standard glissando to mimic the sounds of Himmapan creatures. When you listen to this song, you will get a taste of the sultry and exotic sound.

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How to Cite
Charoensloong, T., & Thammabutr, N. (2021). “Himmapan” Symphonic Poem for the trombone ensemble: The Cycle Process. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 8(2), 29–42. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssnsru/article/view/254173
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