JOMKHAMUNGWEJ: A reflection onthe struggle for ideologiesand Social InequalityBy Piyapan Choopetch.

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Uriwan Singthong
Thanaporn Mookham


This article aims to analyze the reflection on the struggle for ideologies and social inequality was appeared in the Sorcerer film by Piyapan Choopetch to using concept in mythologies, semiotics and ideology as a guideline for analysis and collect information from the Sorcerer film of part 1 and part 2 was a qualitative research and to present the results of a descriptive and analytical research.

            The finding shows that the Sorcerer film of part 1 and part 2 offer the struggle for ideologies and social inequality with 2 items that were 1) the struggle for ideologies and social inequality of democracy by influential characters and WIN restrict freedom was caused by social inequality of justice and equality by system and mechanism of the government in influential characters and WIN did the superstition to struggle of the government to create equality 2) the struggle for ideologies and social inequality of the capitalism and the materialism of influential characters and WIN did the struggle with capitalism and materialism from western by using superstition to create equality in society.

Keyword: Sorcerer, Ideologies, Social Inequality.

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How to Cite
Singthong, U., & Mookham, T. (2022). JOMKHAMUNGWEJ: A reflection onthe struggle for ideologiesand Social InequalityBy Piyapan Choopetch. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 9(1), 75–91. Retrieved from
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