Language Learning Strategies in the Writing Process: a Case Study of Thai EFL Learner

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Wararee Ninkoson


This research aims to investigate language learning strategies used by Thai learners of English in each stage of writing tasks. The participant in this study was a Thai EFL learner. The instrument employed to collect data is writing tasks and interview questions.  The data was analyzed based on three classifications which were metacognitive strategies, social and affective strategies, and cognitive strategies. The results revealed that Metacognitive strategies were mostly employed in the pre-task stage, Social Affective Strategies equally appeared in the pre-task and during-task the most often while Cognitive Strategies were most preferred in the during-task moment. 

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How to Cite
Ninkoson, W. (2022). Language Learning Strategies in the Writing Process: a Case Study of Thai EFL Learner. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 9(1), 108–119. retrieved from
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