Transformation Leadership of School Administrators Affecting the competency of Innovation Teachers under Srisaket Yasothon Secondary Educational Service Area
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The Purposes of this study were 1) to study the transformational leadership of school administrators under Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area, 2) to study the competency of innovation teachers under Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area 3) to study the relationship between the factors of transformational leader of school administrators and competency of innovation teachers under Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area and 4) to study the transformational leadership of school administrators efffecting the competency of innovation teachers under Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area. The samples used in the study consisted of school administrators and teachers under the office of Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area with a total of 364 participants. The instruments were five-level rating scale questionnaires with the reliability of 0.974. The statistics used were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The statistics for testing the hypothesis were Pearson simple correlation and multiple regression analysis.
The research findings were as follows.
1) The transformational leadership of the school administrators under Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area was at the high level.
2) The competency of innovation teachers under Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area was at the high level.
3) the transformational leader of school administrators and the competency of innovation teachers under Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area revealed positive correlation at medium level (=0.602) with statistical significance at .01 level.
4) the factors of transformational leadership of the school administrators affected the competency of innovation teachers under Srisaket Yasothon secondary educational service area and predictive power of the competency of innovation teachers was at 37.30% with statistical significance at .01 level.
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