Participant Production of Multimedia to Dissemination of Traditional Local Wisdom : Case Study Lakhron Tengtook Music Culture of Jarkawan – MongkolSil, Takat Ngao sub district, Tha Mai district, Chanthaburi province.

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Ratchanon Yimrayab
Nawarat Nakseng


This research article is a qualitative research. The objectives are as follows: 1. To collect the knowledge of the Teng Tuk Jarkawan Mongkolsil Troupe, Takat Ngao sub-district, Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi province 2. To create a multimedia database about the Teng Tuk Jakrawan Mongkolsil Troupe, Takat Ngao sub-district, Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi province.  This research collected data by analytical methods from relevant documents, in-depth interview participatory observation and organizing a forum to brainstorm opinions. Results of the research 1. Takad Ngao subdistrict, Tha Mai district, Chanthaburi province is a group that has inherited the knowledge of Teng Tuk drama from teachers who teach Chatree drama from the south of Thailand and spread the knowledge when traveling to the east. In Chanthaburi province, many people have inherited the knowledge of theatrical performances. One of them was the head of the Teng Tuk Jarkawan Mongkhonsil Troupe. Over time, Chatree performances have blended into the social and cultural context of Chanthaburi Province. Until the name of the new show was generally known as Teng Tuk Drama until today. 2. Knowledge of Teng Tuk  Jarkawan Mongkhonsil Troupe,  Takad Ngao subdistrict, Tha Mai district, Chanthaburi province when in multimedia, in the form of video clips that are published through social networks and have been forwarded. It makes it easy for people to access the knowledge of Teng Tuk drama and there are many people who can access it because the clip is easily transmitted

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How to Cite
Yimrayab, R., & Nakseng, N. . (2023). Participant Production of Multimedia to Dissemination of Traditional Local Wisdom : Case Study Lakhron Tengtook Music Culture of Jarkawan – MongkolSil, Takat Ngao sub district, Tha Mai district, Chanthaburi province. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 10(1), 41–55. Retrieved from
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