Logo and label design for products Dong Ton Yi Community, Yarang District, Pattani Province. By using the process of community participation.

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Kamtorn Kerdthip
Batrudin Kalee


     The objective of this academic article is to design the logo and label on products of the Dong Ton Yi community. By allowing the community to participate in the operation.
     From the analysis of information communicated to local communities and products of the Dong Ton Yi community, The information can be separated into 4 parts: part 1 related to Luk Yee products, part 2 related to the profession of making Luk Yee products, parts 3 related to beekeeping, parts 4 related to nature and rubber plantations. In designing the brand, Luk Yee, leaf, Stingless Bee, and Luk Yang Na were chosen as data for logo design. and used the characteristics of Luk Yee and leaf to design a pattern for product labels. and from the evaluation of satisfaction with the logo and product labels By observing the reaction and facial expressions, it was found that the community or entrepreneur had a smiling face. which expresses satisfaction with the work.

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How to Cite
Kerdthip, K., & Kalee, B. (2024). Logo and label design for products Dong Ton Yi Community, Yarang District, Pattani Province. By using the process of community participation. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 11(1), 130–147. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssnsru/article/view/269975
Academic Articles


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