Guidelines for managing Security administration in school of Ban Phana Sawan School Chiang rai primary education service area office 3
School Administration, Security Management, Security Administration in SchoolAbstract
The aimed to study the conditions, important factors, and to find guidelines for security management in educational institutions of Ban Phana Sawan School using mixed research methods. The research tools were
1) Questionnaire (check list), and 2) Handbook of focus group meetings. The participants and informants were executives, heads of 4 departments, and 9 stakeholders. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, data analysis through an analysis of the main content and summarizing the narrative content in an essay. The results of the study revealed that
The results of the study found that 1.the general state of security management at educational institutions affiliated with Ban Phana Sawan School is at the highest level. Administrators of educational institutions have created security regulations in all of their facilities, accounting for 100 percent. Followed by teachers who charge for security in educational institutions can inform students and offer them direction, accounting for 91.66 percent. Finally, because instructors who oversee school security do not inform supervisors or provide recommendations for improvement to be used as guidelines in the upcoming academic year, 91.66 percent of them, there is no action at most levels.
2. Vital factors influencing Ban Phana Sawan School's management of security in education institutions. The following were discovered regarding : 1) Supporting factors, personnel: There is a policy that holds meetings for teachers to designate responsible persons for school security. Budgeting: Schools have been given funds from their original affiliation, and they also have money set up for school security. Equipment: The educational institution has renovated the school building and installed CCTV and teacher-responsible management. Summarizing the performance of accident prevention, violent behavior prevention, drug problems in educational institutions, and maintaining student health and providing improvement ideas to the commander for use as guidelines in the following academic year. 2) Issues impeding personnel; the responsible teacher has other responsibilities, and students lack a safe attitude. There is no emergency warning device, equipment and tools unavailable, and no traffic equipment. Management: There is a responsible instructor in charge of preventing accidents when commuting between home and school. Accident prevention at educational institutions, as well as physical and mental abuse prevention: There is no summary report or suggestion to the supervisor for improving and leading in the following academic year.
3. Ban Phana Sawan School's Rules for Security Management in Educational Institutions are as follows : 1) Planning: School administrators must organize meetings in order to promoting a responsible teacher to be clear, and planning for educational institution security activities. 2) Implementing the plan as planned requires a responsible teacher. 3) School auditing: Administrators inspect, supervise, and monitor the functioning of the responsible teacher. 4) Improvement: The responsible teacher submitted a summary report and performance suggestions to the supervisor for improvement and use as guidelines for the following academic year.
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