The Curriculum Administration Guidelines for Social Studies, Religion and Culture Learning Area by Integrated and the 21st Century Education Approach : A Case Study of Ban Pasan School


  • Chanunyu Tasai ไทย
  • Wichit Thepprasit Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.
  • Prawet Wetcha Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.


Curriculum Management Approaches, Social Studies, Religion and Culture Learning Subject Group, Integrated, Education in the 21st Century


                   The curriculum administration guidelines for social studies, religion and culture of Ban Pasan School by integrated and the 21st century education approach require situational analysis, vision, mission, goals, strategic issues and project planning. The strategic issues were designed covering 3 areas i.e. 1) Learner Quality 2) Curriculum Management Process 3) Learner-centered Instructional Management Process. This led to designing project plans covering 15 strategies. Strategy 1: Develop learners’ learning achievement in social studies. 2: Develop learners’ desirable characteristics and values as determined by the school. Strategy 3: Promote teachers for consistent self-development due. Strategy 4: Develop landscape, service and social environment favorable to learning of the learners which comprises 2 projects. Strategy 5: Develop learner-centered instructional method for the 21st century learning skills of the learners. Strategy 6: Promote the use of technology in teaching, efficient monitoring and evaluation of learner’s learning achievement. Strategy 7: Fix the problems of uncaring parents on their children comprising 1 project. Strategy 8: Solve problems on inadequate instructional media and technology. Strategy 9: Develop administration system by promoting participatory approach. Strategy 10: Develop consistent internal quality assurance system. Strategy 11: Promote and improve social studies, religion and culture curriculum for efficiency and meeting the 21st century education. Strategy 12: Develop administration system and promote participation in educational administration. Strategy 13: Develop teacher’s quality for competence in integrated learning management and the 21st century education. Strategy 14: Promote teachers and educational personnel for the training on social studies to fix inadequate teachers in this learning area.

Author Biographies

Chanunyu Tasai, ไทย

Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (2022)

Wichit Thepprasit, Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.

Lecturer in Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Advisor).

Prawet Wetcha, Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.

Associate Professor in Master of Education (Educational Administration) Faculty of Education. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. (Co Advisor).


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