Experience Family of Being First Stroke Patient of Acute Stage
The Family of Being First Stroke Patient of Acute Stage, ExperienceAbstract
This qualitative research is a phenomenological study. The purpose this study was to explore the meaning of experiences family of being first stroke patients of acute stage. The participants were 6 persons from families with first stroke who were willing to share their experiences. In-depth interview with taperecord was used for data collection. All interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by using content analysis of Colaizzi.
The study findings were as follows:
(1) Psychological impact including anxiety, confusion, hopeless, and fear that the patient would encounter pain and suffering or die;
(2) Physically episodes including changes in eating and sleeping patterns resulting in relative's health. Psychological impact was the most prominent theme.
(3) Financial resource impact including income deficit and taking loan while the patient stayed in hospitals.
Therefore, the nurses should pay attention and take a good care for families is of these patients. For example, inquiry, encouraging talk, and providing assistance in various aspects to help families adapt in crisis.
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