Understanding to Immigration Act 1979 of Entrepreneurs in the Area of Tambon Administration Organization, Muang District, Samut Sakhon Province


  • สุรชัย เจนประโคน คณะรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยทองสุข


ความเข้าใจ, พระราชบัญญัติคนเข้าเมือง


The objectives of this study were to find out the understanding to Immigration Act 1979 Of entrepreneurs in the area of Tambon Administration Organization, Muang District, Samut Sakhon Province and take the result to the commanders for improving and enhancing the understanding to Immigration Act 1979 Of entrepreneurs in the area of Tambon Administration Organization, Muang District, Samut Sakhon Province in the aspect of kingdom immigration and emigration, temporary immigration to the kingdom, immigration for settlement in the kingdom, foreigner deportation from the kingdom and penalty classified by personal characteristics of gender, age, rank classification, level of education, average salary.

The population in this study was 112 entrepreneurs in the area of Tambon Administration Organization, Muang District, Samut Sakhon Province. The needed instrument for gathering data was in form of questionnaire. The statistics for analyzing data were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The result revealed that the majority of respondents were male, were aged 31 – 40 years old, got Bachelor’s degree, had average salary 60,000 Baht.

The understanding to Immigration Act 1979 in section 2: kingdom immigration and emigration, section 4: temporary immigration to the kingdom, section 5: immigration for settlement in the kingdom, section 6: foreigner deportation from the kingdom and section 8: penalty 1979 Of entrepreneurs in the area of Tambon Administration Organization, Muang District, Samut Sakhon Province was in high level for overall. For considering each aspect, the aspect of kingdom immigration and emigration as equal as penalty were at the first sequence. The third were the aspect of temporary immigration to the kingdom as equal as immigration for settlement in the kingdom and the last sequence was the aspect of foreigner deportation from the kingdom respectively.


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พระราชบัญญัติคนเข้าเมือง พ.ศ. 2522






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