The Factors Influencing The Risk Management of Air Cargo Logistics Service Provider


  • ณรงค์ ทมเจริญ
  • กัญญามน กาญจนาทวีกุล มหาวิทยาลัยเวสเทิร์น
  • เพ็ญศรี บางบอน คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร
  • สุชาติ ค้าทางชล


Risk Managemen, Leadership, Logistics Service Provider


The purpose of this research was to study factors influencing the risk management of air cargo logistics service providers. The quantitative research was collected data from 142 companies in Thai Airfreight Forwarders Association (TAFA) during the period: January to October 2017

The results of the research were found. Gender factors, organizational size, and managerial leadership influence the risk management of air cargo logistics service providers, statistically significant at the 0.05. This is useful for managers or business owners to use this information for future strategic and action planning.


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