Supervision Model of Matthayomsueksa Schools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23


  • นภัสนันท์ อุปรี นักศึกษาหลักสูตรศึกษาศาสตรดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Internal Supervision, Secondary Schools


            The research entitled, “Supervision Model of Matthayomsueksa Schools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23,” aimed 1) to study the state of supervision model of Matthayomsueksa Schools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23, 2) to develop thesupervision model of Matthayomsueksa Schools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23,and 3) to evaluate the appropriateness and possibility of supervision model of Matthayomsueksa Schools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23.

            The samples used in the first period of this research were 216administrators and civil servant-teachers, who were working in 45secondary schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area 23 Office in the academic year of 2015. While in the second period of this research, the 9 informants were invited to participate in a focus group discussion. And in last period, the 20 experts were invited to be as the informants for evaluation.

           The instruments used in this research were the questionnaire, interview form, focus group discussion, and the evaluation by the experts. In the quality test, the only items of questionnaire with above .50 value of the IOC were acceptable, and in the reliability test, Cronbach’s alpha value was rated at .94. The statistics used for quantitative data analysis in this research were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. In addition, the content analysis was employed for the qualitative data which were concluded from the experts’ suggestions.

                  The research findings revealed that

  1. The internal supervision state inMatthayomsueksaschools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23overall were at high level. Especially, the need analysis aspect was at the highest level; the honor exaltationaspect wasat the lower level, and the lowest level was the internal schoolsupervision aspect.
  2. The internal supervision model in Matthayomsueksa schools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23consisted of 2 variables that were relevant to each other, namely,the 5 aspects internal supervision in the Matthayomsueksa schools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23,and the 4aspects internal supervision model.
  3. The appropriateness and possibility evaluation for the internal supervision model in Matthayomsueksa schools under Secondary Educational service Area office 23overall were at the highest level, while each aspect was found at the highest level as well.



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