Rationality in the disfranchisement. According to Act Constitution regarding the election. And the acquisition of the Senate, 2550


  • ปริญญา ศรีเกตุ อาจารย์ประจำคณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Rationalily in the disfranchisement


              The purpose of this study is to investigate the law concerning the determination of compen¬sation for the infringement of copyright, patent and trademark used at present time as to decide whether it is appropriate for the application account of profits, punitive damages and compensation of intellectual property infringement. Furthermore, the second purpose is to consider what amend¬ments or improvements should be, in order to apply the law to alleviate the damages caused by infringement genuinely and effectively.
              The qualitative research and documentary research are used in this study. The methodology is by searching for the information from textbooks, articles, materials of law training courses including the judgement of Thai’s and foreign courts of law concerning the determination of compensation for intellectual property infringement cases. All the information obtained is utilized as guidelines for amendment and improvements of Copy Right Act, Patent Act and Commercial law Article 438 which the court of law uses as the determination of compensation for wrongful acts in infringement of trademarks.
             The research found that the measurements of law used for determining three types of intellectual property infringements are not effective enough to alleviate the damages the copy right owners. If the government can make an amendment and determination improvement of compensation for damages caused by infringement application account of profits and punitive damages in trade Secret Act of the year 2002 for compensation of wrongful acts in intellectual property infringement cases, it will be fair for compensation for the damages of the injured persons who are affected.


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