Factors Impinging Upon Effectiveness of the Prevention and Reduction of Crime in the Provincial Police Jurisdiction, Kanchanaburi Province


  • สมศักดิ์ วุฒิพิมลวิทยา หลักสูตรรัฐประศาสนศาสตรบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


             The objectives of this research are : (1) to study factors imping upon effectiveness of the prevention and reduction of crime in the above jurisdiction (2) to study the levels of factors imping upon effectiveness of the prevention and reduction of crime in the above jurisdiction (3) to study the levels of effectiveness of the prevention and reduction of crime in the above. Jurisdiction. The population studied are the people of 13 districts, totaling 838,269 persons (2558 data) Out of these, 400 persons have been selected as samples for collecting data and statistics used are for mailing the questionnaire to, together with an interview of the other 195 persons. Instrumentation for collecting data and statistics used are frequencies, percentage, mean and standard deviation and the relationship, between factors influencing effectiveness and effectiveness itself is carried out by multiple regression, Enter type. The relationship between independent and dependent variables is at .05 of significance. The was found from the study that the overall levels of opinion towards the effectiveness of crime prevention and reduction is at 3.75 ( x̄ ) Individually, the highest level of the effectiveness of crime family cooperation ( x̄ = 3.88), followed by cooperation with community ( x̄ = 3.85), family environment (x̄ = 3.76) and community environment (x̄ = 3.36) The analysis of 3.44. Individually, the highest effectiveness is quality of people (x̄ = 3.62) followed by a reduction of crime rate (x̄ =3.50) and effectiveness of the prevention and reducti on on life and property safety (x̄ =  3.19) The result of the hypothesis tecting reveals that personal and family cooperation, community environments, community strength and law enforcement all contributed to the prevention and reduction at 0.05 level of significance while community cooperation, cooperation with the police, and family environment were found not to be related to the effectiveness.


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