Problems and obstacles for protection of the informant on corruption


  • วีรศักดิ์ ิพลาทิวานนท์ นักศึกษาหลักสูตรนิติศาสตรดุษฎีบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยเวสเทิร์น


protection, informant


                  The research of problems and obstacles for protection of the informant on corruption; the objectives include 1) to study the meaning, causes and forms of corruption, 2) to study the role, duty and the authority of the law government agencies which related to action on corruption, 3) to study the measures for protection of the informant on abroad, it be considered and applied to the protection the informant of Thailand, 4) to study the difference between the witness and the information, and measures to protect witnesses against measures for protection of the informant, 5) to find ways in lay down measures for protection of the information to the state on corruption. As well as, recommendations are made in the law in order to bring this recommend to consider the implementation of legal measures for protection of the information to the government on corruption. The informant plays an important role in treatment of public benefits because of they are disclose the fact that they have seen to appear in public as a starting point for the keeping of public benefits to persists. Giving information reveals offenders, therefore, they are targeted by who lost benefits and interacting of the action may be causing damage to live, body, liberty and property, etc. Thus, the state is necessary to define measures for protection of the informant to the state. To encourage giving extensive information which without fear of harms that may result from the disclosure of public benefits. 
                  The suggestion of result is the legal measures to ensure for protection of the informant after the end of the lawsuit because the information may not be safe. It should be taking care of the informant for the safety of life and property and the public should be informed about the measures to protect of the informant by the state. As well as the determining criteria for compensation for damages caused the informant to the state; it should be clear in the legal system of Thailand. In addition, encourage the disclosure of information about the actions that are unlawful, inappropriate actions of state officials, actions are harmful to the health and safety of the public and including action that harm for the environment in society of Thailand.


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