
  • Volraktit Siratanita Graduate College of Management Sripatum University
  • Waraporn Thaima Graduate College of Management Sripatum University


Creative Leadership, School Administrator, Lower North-Eastern Region


             The research “A development of creative leadership for school administrators in lower north-eastern region” was aimed to: 1) study creative leadership, 2) study the predictive factors of creative leadership, and 3) present the developmental approach in creative leadership for school administrators in lower north-eastern region. The mixed methodology of qualitative and quantitative was used with non-probability samplings which were the 8 school directors from lower north-eastern, 13 in focus group and in-depth interviewing qualitative research, and 576 in random for quantitative research. The findings resulted as: creative leadership was in in highest level, the leadership factors in depth knowledge and tactical performance can predict creative leadership for school administrators with a significance level of 0.05, and the developmental approach in creative leadership for school administrators focused on foundation of thinking and creative practicing concretely.



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