Family Relationship, Life Satisfaction and Spiritual Well-being among the Elderly of the Senior Club at Klong Sam Wa Public Health Center 64


  • Penpich Chantranapaporn Kasetsart University
  • Theerapat Wongkumsin Kasetsart University


Family Relationship, Life Satisfaction, Spiritual Well-being, Elderly


        The objectives of this study were to 1) to study the level of relationship of the family, life satisfaction  and spiritual well-being of elderly 2) to compare the spiritual well-being of elderly separated by individual factors 3) to study the relationship between family relationship and spiritual well-being of the elderly and 4) to study the relations between satisfaction in life and spiritual well-being of the elderly.

       The sample of this study were 179 elderly of the elderly club at Klong Sam Wa Public health Center 64. The questionnaires had been used to collect the data which were analyzed by Statistical Package. The statistical analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, One-Way ANOVA, LSD and Pearsons product moment correlation coefficient by indicating the statistical significance in .05 level and .01 level.

         The research results found that 1) the levels of family relation, life satisfaction and  spiritual well-being were high, 2) the elderly with different of education, income, balance of income and health status had different spiritual well-being with the statistical significance at .01 level, moreover the elderly with different sex, marital status and family members had different spiritual well-being with the statistical significance at .05 level, while the elderly with different age and occupation had not different in spiritual well-being, 3) the family relationship had positively relationship with spiritual well-being by the statistical significance at .01 level and, 4) life satisfaction had positively relationship with spiritual well-being with the statistical significance at .01 level.


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