The Competencies of Deputy Director for Budget in Secondary School


  • Kanokporn Thawornprasirt Faculty of Education Silpakorn University
  • Nopadol Chenaksara Faculty of Education Silpakorn University


Competencies of Deputy Director for Budget


          The purposes of this research were to determind : 1) the factors of The competencies of assistant secondary school director for budget, 2) the confirmation of The competencies of assistant secondary school director for budget. The sample were 87 schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area who were selected by the table of Taro yamane.  The respondents  in each School were administrator, vice administrator, and head division of Finance and budget  totally 261 respondents. The data were collected by using semi-structured interview and opinionnaire. The data were analyzed by content analysis, frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and exploratory factor analysis.

          The findings were as follows :

  1. The competencies of assistant secondary school director for budget were 6 factors namely : 1) the executive vision and leadership 2) the control and monitor 3) the morality and ethics 4) the Budget strategy management 5) the achievement Motivation 6) the evaluate performance.
  2. The experts confirmed those factors which were accuracy, propriety, feasibility and utility standards.


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