The Relationship between Service Quality and Brand Equity of MK Restaurant in Bangkok Metropolis


  • pharath Puttarat Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Ladda Vatjanasaregagul Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Kunchon Jeotee Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Service quality, Brand Equity, MK Restaurant


              The Relationship between Service Quality and Brand Equity of MK Restaurant in Bangkok Metropolis. The objectives of this research were: (1) to measure consumer’s expectations and perceptions toward service quality of MK Restaurant in Bangkok Metropolis; (2) to measure brand equity of consumer of MK Restaurant classified by gender in Bangkok Metropolis; and (3) to study the relationship between service quality and brand equity of MK Restaurant in Bangkok Metropolis.

             The samples were 400 samples consumers who received services from MK Restaurant using convenience sampling. A questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect data. The statistical analysis employed were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and correlation coefficient.

             Research findings showed that: (1) the consumer’s expectations and perceptions toward service quality of MK Restaurant were different at 0.05 statistical levels by inferential statics. (2) The brand equity of consumer of MK Restaurant classified by gender were not different statically significant. (3) Correlation between service quality and brand quality of MK Restaurant in Bangkok Metropolis was at moderate level at 0.01 statistically significance level.


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