A Study of Senior Complex Center Potential for Thai and Foreign in Nong Khai Province


  • Acharaporn Seehawatta Faculty of Integrated Social Science, Laws Program, Khon Kaen University Nong Khai Campus
  • Paramaporn Weeraphan Faculty of Integrated Social Science Khon Kaen University Nong Khai Campus
  • Rongrat Wirotepetch Khon Kaen University
  • Ratchanida Saiyaros Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


the potential, senior complex center, elderly


          The purpose of this research was to study Nong Khai’s potential as a senior complex center for Thai and foreign elders. The sample group for this study consisted of 76,592 elderly people in the province aged 60 and up. For purposes of the study a registered statistical system with data as of 1 December 2018 focused on a specific sample (purposive sampling) of 100 people.  The instrument employed to collect data was a questionnaire. The statistics used were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The result discovered that the potential level of the province as a senior complex center for Thais and foreigners elders is at the highest level. Considering each aspect, it was found that it was at the maximum level in 8 aspects. That is, when it is ranked according to the average order from highest to lowest in the aspect of rooms in the senior complex center. The following categories: the ambience of the center. The location, medical services, facilities, food services and the location of the senior complex center is equal to the period of access. Ranking at the top level in 2 aspects, according to the average order form the highest to lowest, which is the reason that the senior complex center is attractive as a retirement residence. The demand for ownership follows.


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