Causal Factors Affecting The Performance of the Accountants in Thailand


  • Aekvinit Phuamraksa College graduate management Sriprathum university
  • Vichit Ouont College graduate management Sriprathum university


Knowledge, Skills, Accounting information, Competence, Effectiveness


          This research is the study of “Causal Relationship Model of Factors Affecting Effectiveness on Work Performance of Accountants in Thailand”. Mixed methods research was applied such as qualitative research and quantitative research. The research purposes were 1) To study factors affecting effectiveness on work performance of accountants, 2) To study influence of factors affecting effectiveness on work performance of accountants, and 3) To develop causal relationship model of factors affecting effectiveness on work performance of accountants. In the qualitative research method, purposive sampling was applied on indepth interview with 10 people of sampling group who were accountants from the lower north of Thailand. In the quantitative research method, it included 400 people who were accountants at registered organization located in the lower north of Thailand. Data analysis was done by descriptive analysis, which included percentage, standard deviation and mean. Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient was applied in order to find relationships of variables. The software such as LISREL for windows version 8.0 was also utilized in structural equation modeling for analysis.

Author Biography

Vichit Ouont, College graduate management Sriprathum university

College graduate management Sriprathum university


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