Thai Post Company Marketing Communication Affecting Commemorative Stamps Purchasing Behavior of Stamp Collectors at the Upper Northeastern Region


  • Narissara Khumchana
  • Paiboon Kachentaraphan
  • Piyachat Lomchawakarn


Marketing Communication, Purchase Behavior, Commemorative Stamp


           The objectives of this research were to study [1] The demographical characteristics of commemorative Stamps of the hoarder in the top of Northeastern [2] Behavior in Purchase of the hoarder in the top of North Eastern [3] Marketing Communication affects buying decision on commemorative stamps of the hoarder in the top of Northeastern. [4] To comparative study of the demographical characteristics and marketing communication of the hoarder in the top of Northeastern.      
        This research was quantitative research. A sample population consisting of 433 peoples that the hoarder in the top of Northeastern and used the questionnaire as a research instrument to collect data. Using the snow ball sampling method. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics that frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. In hypothesis testing with t – test, ANOVA and Multiple comparison by LSD test.
         As the results was showed. 1] Most of the hoarder in the top of Northeastern was female and they had 18 – 25 years old. The education was senior high school. 2] Most of the hoarder had bought the commemorative Stamps that the picture Castors Chakri Dynasty and they always bought for accumulations.3] Marketing Communication by Advertising and Public Relations affects buying decision in high level and the activities that guarantee Stamp on damage in transit affects buying decision in moderate level while the selling by telephone 1545 and sent by EMS affects purchase decision in low level. 4] The demographical characteristics parallel differences in marketing communication. The hypothesis testing shows: The hoarder who differed in the demographical characteristics parallel differences in marketing communication at the statistically significant level of .05

Author Biographies

Narissara Khumchana

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University

Paiboon Kachentaraphan

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University

Piyachat Lomchawakarn

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


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