Factors Affecting Urban Development In Roi- Et .
Factors, developmentAbstract
The objectives of the research were to study the service level of factors affecting urban development In Roi Et. Study of Roi Et City Development. Study the factors that affect the development of Roi Et city. And study the suggestions that will affect the development of Roi Et city. The population used in this research is 399 people in Mueang District Roi Et Province, aged 18 and over. The sample group is determined by the formula for calculating the sample size of Taro Yamane. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The statistic used for hypothesis test were Pearson’s co-relation with the statistic signification at .05 level, multiple regression by stepwise .The results of the reseach were as follows ; 1) Factors affecting the development of Roi Et city Overall ,as a whole was rated at high level. 2) Roi Et City Development Level Overall ,as a whole was rated at high level. 3) The results of the relationship analysis, the factors affecting the overall development of Roi Et city the relationship was at a medium. 4) The five independent, predictor variables could explain factors influencing local development in the area of study with statistically calculated and revealed at 49.30 percent with R² =.493 Adjusted R² = .487 R² Change = .010 and the value of F = 76.538 with the statistic significant at .05 level. Variables to explain the development of Roi Et city In order to enter the equation by the following relations are people (X1), private (X3), politicians (X4), area or geography (X5) and the last variable that entered into a good equation. The most of the multiple regression analysis were location and community characteristics (X6). Can write predictive equations from the multiple regression analysis of Roi Et City Development. And the six predictor variables could be displayed in equation in form of raw and standard marks as follows ;
The regression equation of raw score Y= 1.110+ .080X1 + .141X3 + .211X4 +.105X5 + .194X6 .
The regression equation of standard score Zr= .272Z4 + .280Z6 + .178Z3 + .155 Z5 +.106Z1
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