Factors in the treatment of drug addicts in Nakhon Sawan Province.


  • Charuwan Kamolsin Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University
  • Chiranun Kamolsin Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University


Communication Process, Rehabilitation, Drug Addicted


           The purpose of this research was to study the demographic characteristics of drug addicts who received treatment at the center of Nakhon Sawan province, to study internal and external factors of drug addicts to receive drug treatment and study the communication process in Kwan Pandin center Nakhon Sawan Province. This research used a mixed research method. A quantitative research employed a survey method.  The 132 sample group was those who received treatment at the Kwan Pandin Cente Nakhon Sawan Province. A qualitative research employed non-participant observation methods. The key informants were 5 lecturers and 5 persons receiving treatment at Kwan Pandin Center, Nakhon Sawan Province. The research found that internal factor of the drug addicts being treated are those who want to have a better life. The average value is 4.90. External factors of drug addicts being treated are those who are addicted to drug treatment according to the expectations of close individuals. The average is 4.48. Communication process within the Kwan Pandin center Nakhon Sawan Province consists of 4 issues as follows: (1) The sender is a lecturer from government agencies in Nakhon Sawan province. There is a motivating way with friendly speech methods. (2) Information consists of 2 parts: activities that allow the therapist to do while staying within the earth center and the communicate content. (3) Communication channels within the Kwan Pandin Center included electronic media, print media, music and special media. (4) Recipients of the group who have been treated repeatedly will have more assertiveness than those who first received treatment.

Author Biography

Charuwan Kamolsin, Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University

Lecturer , Faculty of Communication Arts, Chaopraya University.

Ph.D. in Communication Arts, 

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.


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