Participation of the local community in the agricultural tourism management in Kaen Makrut Sub-district, Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province


  • charuwan kamolsin Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University
  • Orawan Kerdjan Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University
  • Tanaphot Paesuwan Faculty of Administration and Management (Management). Chaopraya University


community’s participation, agricultural tourism management, Kaen Makrut Sub-district


                The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the understanding and knowledge of the local community about agricultural tourism management in Kaen Makrut Sub-district, Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province; 2) to study the level of participation of the local community in the agricultural tourism management in Kaen Makrut Sub-district, Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province; and 3) to compare the demographical characteristics of the local people and the participation of the local community in the agricultural tourism management in Kaen Makrut Sub-district, Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province. The result revealed that, in term of the overall understanding and knowledge of the local people toward agricultural tourism management, majority of the local people had high level of understanding and knowledge about agricultural tourism. The result revealed that, in term of the overall participation of the local people in the agricultural tourism management in Kaen Makrut Sub-district, Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province, the local people had moderate level of participation in the agricultural tourism management in Kaen Makrut Sub-district, Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province. The result revealed that, in term of the comparison of the demographical characteristics of the local people and the participation of the local community in the agricultural tourism management, there were 4 related dimensions of the participation, as follow: 1) Participation with the decision making process; whereas the factors of gender and age did not cause any difference in this dimension, while the factors of level of education, occupation, and average monthly income did cause a difference in their level of participation. 2) Participation with the operation; whereas the factors of gender, age, and monthly income did not cause any difference in this dimension, while the factors of level of education and occupation did cause a difference in their level of participation. 3) Participation with the receiving of benefits; whereas the factors gender and monthly income did not cause any difference in this dimension, while the factors of age, level of education, and occupation did cause a difference in their level of participation. And 4) participation with the evaluation; whereas the factors of gender and age did not cause any difference in this dimension, while the factors of the level of education, occupation, and monthly income did cause a difference in their level of participation, with the statistical significance of 0.05.


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