The Development of Instructional Model Using Project-Based Learning with Online Social Media to Enhance Speaking Skills of Pre-Service Teachers


  • Kunyaphat Saengpaen Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University
  • Nattana Leelaharattanarak Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University


Instructional Model Using Project-Based Learning, Speaking Skills, Social Media


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the efficiency of the instructional model using project-based learning with online social media to enhance speaking skills of pre-service teachers 2) study the effectiveness of the instructional model using project-based learning with online social media by comparing Pretest and Posttest scores after using this model and the development of speaking skills through the presentation of project 3) study the levels of student satisfaction towards the developed teaching model. The sample was 19 second year Educational Technology and Computer students studying at Faculty of Education during the 2nd semester of the 2019 academic year. The instruments were the English speaking skills assessment test, development of speaking skills assessment form and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test dependent, t-test independent and content analysis.

The finding were as follows:

  1. The instructional model using project-based learning with online social media to enhance speaking skills of pre-service teachers called “ESCAPE Model” consisted of 1) Exploring the ideas: E 2) Starting plan for the project: S 3) Creating an outline: C 4) Analyzing information to do the project: A 5) Presenting the project: P and 6) Evaluating the project: E. The efficiency of the ESCAPE Model met the criterion of 70.75/70.10
  2. The effectiveness of the ESCAPE Model indicated that 1) after using the ESCAPE Model, the students’ levels of speaking ability were higher than before receiving the instruction at a .05 significance level, 2) the development of speaking skills through the presentation of project after using ESCAPE Model were at a high level.
  3. The students’ satisfaction toward the instructional model using project-based learning with online social media was at a high level.


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