Study the Waste Water Treatment Management of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province


  • Jirat Muanwiharn Department of Public Administration Faculty of Management Science, Pacific Institute of Management Science


management, waste water treatment, policy, municipality, Pathumthani


              The purposes of this research were to study the waste water treatment management of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province and make the enhancing guidelines for waste water treatment management of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province. Mixed method was operated in this research. In quantitative process, sample were 425 participants of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province. Instrument used for collecting data was a questionnaire. The statistics used in analyzing data were percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, the techniques of t test and one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) by Scheffe’s as well as Multiple Regression Analysis for hypothesis testing. In qualitative process, there were content analysis of structured interview of 55 key informants from City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province’s administrators and officers, community leader and inhabitants in this research. Results revealed that: 1) Each aspect of the waste water treatment management of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province were in moderate level which waste water treatment management effective development was the highest. 2) Different gender, education and age of participants had different opinions of waste water treatment management of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province at the 0.05 level of statistical significance. 3) Policies and factors of waste water treatment management variables were related to overall waste water treatment management of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province in relatively high level. The predictive power of these 2 independent variables was 63.80%. 4) Enhancing guidelines for waste water treatment management of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province were supporting of waste water (ค) ค treatment system in every City Municipality and District Municipality in Pathumthani Province and developing household waste water treatment system before draining to public water resources as well as campaigntocreate understanding in waste water treatment management of City Municipality and Lumluka District Municipality in Pathumthani Province continuously.


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