Study of behavior and satisfaction of cultural tourists A case study of Wat Si Uthumphorn, NongKrot Sub district, Muang District, NakhonSawan Province


  • charuwan kamolsin Faculty of Administration and Management (Management), Chaopraya University
  • Orawan Kerdjan Faculty of Administration and Management (Management), Chaopraya University


Behavior, Satisfaction, Cultural tourists


           The objective of this research is to study the demographic, behavior and satisfaction of cultural tourists visiting Wat Si Uthumphorn. As well as to compare demographic characteristics with the satisfaction of cultural tourists visiting Si Uthumphorn Temple. The research methodology uses quantitative research principles. Use the questionnaire distribution method. Survey the sample of cultural tourists visiting Si Uthumphorn Temple NakhonSawan Province, 400 people. By analyzing the Descriptive Statistics such as percentage, Frequency and mean. And Inferential Statistics such as T-test and F-test or ANOVA.

             The results of demographic study found that most of them are female, aged between 20-30 years, bachelor degree education, Job Trading / Private business and marital status. As for the behavior, it is found that most of Wat Si Uthumphorn is known from friends, girlfriend, relatives / other people. With the main purpose of Come to pay homage to Luang Pho Choi and pay respect to the monks. Many will travel by private cars. and come with family. Including most Thai tourists more than 5 times and most of them are domiciled in NakhonSawan. However, the satisfaction of the cultural tourists with Wat Si Uthumphorn. Overview, the 3 aspects (3 A’s) were in a very satisfied level.In each aspect, it was found that the most satisfied with the Attractions, followed by the Accessibility and Amenities.


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