Approach to Development of Safety Management


  • Chayarop Panichuttra Master of Public Administration (Security Management). Royal Police Cadet Academy
  • Pongpitsanu Pakdeenarong Master of Public Administration (Security Management). Royal Police Cadet Academy


Electronic Commerce, The Safety in Conducting the Electronic Commerce


              This research has an objective to seek for guideline of safety management of consumers in conducting the electronic for commerce. The samples were the experienced online consumers (who are 400 working people being 18 years old upwards).
             This study is divided into 2 parts; 1st part: To study and analyze the problem on safety and obstruction of consumers in conducting the electronic commerce. The data was collected by using the questionnaire, whose respondents were the experienced online consumers (who are working people being 18 years old upwards). The descriptive statistics were used to analyze general information of sampling group. Then, the researcher sought for the relationship and testing the difference of average by using t-test dependent and one-way ANOVA (in order to seek the difference of level of opinion by mean of Multiple Comparison, including correlation analysis. 2nd part: To study the guideline of safety management of consumers in conducting the electronic commerce where the sampling group are state officers. The researcher has collected data by interviewing many groups from many Directors of Office of e-Commerce, Deputy Executive Director of Office of Legal Affairs, Officers of Office of Digital Development for Business (who relate to e-commerce). Moreover, the researcher conducted the depth interview with Assistant Director of Office of Digital Development for Business (Electronic Transactions Development Agency), including the officers of Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce, the officers of Center for Consumer Protection in Direct Selling and Direct Marketing Business, the expert in special case of Department of Special Investigation, the executive of MCOT Public Company Limited, the injured consumers in case of buying of goods from online shop, operator of electronic commerce, financiers, bankers. The study result shows that

             1) the problem on the safety and obstruction of consumers in conducting the electronic commerce has 2 levels, which are, agencies level and individual level.
             2) guideline of safety management of consumers in conducting the electronic commerce comprises 6 aspects, as follows: (1) To establish guideline in sharing knowledge for consumers in online buying of goods/service by buying goods/service from reliable shop with safety; (2) To promote the consumers to have knowledge and understanding in making payment for the price of goods/service charge for online buying of goods/service safely; (3) To promote the consumers to have knowledge and understanding in their rights and duties and the laws on electronic commerce; (4) the public sector should improve, amend the laws on electronic commerce to become modern in order to protect the consumers and the operators of electronic commerce to have security and safety; (5) To increase manpower of officers of state agencies to be adequate for the relevant workload; (6) To prepare the manual of online buying of goods/service and distribute such manuals to public


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