Guidelines for the development of the special economic zone to support the effective policy of the special economic zone on the border of Mukdahan Province


  • Natnaporn Eaknarajindawat Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Guidelines the development, the special economic zone, Mukdahan Province, the effective


            The objectives of this research are: 1. To study the current situation. Contributing factors that affect And guidelines for the development of the special economic zone to support the effective policy of the special economic zone bordering Mukdahan. This research utilized a mixed method, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. In the quantitative research part, the sample consisted 400 people in the special economic zone, Mukdahan province. In the qualitative research component, in-depth interviews were performed with 20 key informants, including executives and officer of the provincial government, private organizations, and local government organizations in the special economic zone, Mukdahan province. They were analyzed and presented by using statistics and descriptions.

            The results of the research revealed that:

            The current situation found that 1) the impact of special economic zones 2) Management system 3) Support mechanism 4) the participation of people and 5) the development of the special economic zone on the border of Mukdahan Province All of which are at a high level on all aspects. As for the supporting factors affecting the study area, it was found that Public participation and support mechanisms Had the greatest influence on the development of the study area, followed by the impact of the special economic zones and the management system. When considering only direct factors, it was found that public participation Influence on the development of the special economic zone bordering Mukdahan Province While the support mechanism Effects of special economic zones. And the management system indirectly affects the development of the special economic zone on the border of Mukdahan Province. The guidelines for the development of such areas include 1) participation of people, 2) support mechanisms, 3) guidelines for prevention and mitigation of special economic zones, 4) guidelines for development of management systems and 5) guidelines for area development. Special economy on the border of Mukdahan


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