Public Participation in Management According to the Authority of Sub-districtAdministration Organization in Mae Sam Lab Subdistrict, Sop Moei District, Mae Hong Son Province


  • Pongpipat Meebenjamas คณะวิทยาการจัดการ สถาบันวิทยาการจัดการแห่งแปซิฟิค
  • Ben Pornpoltam Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Voranon Kundilookamol Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Pitchayanon Wonghan Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Jongkamon Boonkwang Pacific Institute of Management Science


Participation, Management, Authority, Sop Moei, Mae Hong Son


          The purpose of this study was to study the level of public participation in the administration of Mae Sam Lab Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Sop Moei District, Mae Hong Son Province. To compare the participation of people in the administration of Mae Sam Lab Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Sop Moei District, Mae Hong Son Province classified by gender, age, and the living time period in the Sub-district Administrative Organization Population area. The population in the study area were 11,768 peoples. The samples were used 387 peoples by using Yamane’s sampling method. The instrument in this study was the questionnaire with 3 sections, including section 1 General Information was a checklist questionnaire regarding the status of respondents, section 2 Information about people participated in the administration of Mae Sam Lab Sub-district Administration Organization, Sop Moei District, Mae Hong Son Province with 8 factors of the authority and function of the Subdistrict Administration Organization. This section has used the questionnaire with 5 rating scales (Likert). And section 3 Problems and Suggestions for general comments were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA statistic.

          The data analysis has revealed the level of public participation in the administration of the authority of Mae Sam Lab Sub-district Administration Organization, Sop Moei District, Mae Hong Son Province in overall factor was high level. The comparative analysis on public participation with the gender, age, and the living period in the subdistrict administrative organization area was not statistically significant difference at a 95 percent confidence level.


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Institute of data and information service “สำนักบริการข้อมูลและสารสนเทศ”การมีส่วนร่วมของประชาชน ข้อมูลออนไลน์






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