Value Added to The Moa-Hoam Market From Pattern Design


  • Pinpinut Jada Sripatum university Chonburi campus


Local wisdom, Moa-Hoam Value Added, Pattern Design


Local wisdom, is what the villagers can think of themselves and use to solve problems. Products from current local wisdom are lost. Because the form and belief are seen as not modern and not popular. One of them is Moa-Hoam from Phare Province, It has identity  that can create a reputation for Phrae to the present. And One of the added value of the Moa-Hoam fabric market Is the pattern design. Adding value must be based on the needs and tastes of consumers. What are consumers' attitudes about consuming such products or services, both physically and emotionally? What factors make consumers choose or not choose anything for living?. The style of the pattern must be modern and chic. Consider the colors that will be used together. Both shades of the original color are dark blue and the gradation is a light blue almost white.


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