Development of Teaching Model to Strengthen Mathematical Process Skills for Prathomsuksa 5 Students


  • Jiaranai Jankuntod Municipality School 5 (WatDownrueng) under the Office of Education, Saraburi Municipality


Development of Teaching Model, mathematical process skills


             The purposes of this research were 1) to develop teaching model to strengthen mathematical process skills for Prathomsuksa 5 students, and 2) to examine effectiveness of teaching model to strengthen mathematical process skills for Prathomsuksa 5 students.

             The results were as follows: 1) The teaching model to strengthen mathematical process skills for Prathomsuksa 5 students was known as MATHER Model which revealed the components of principles and objectives, and process and conditional implementation. The teaching and learning process consisted of 6 steps: 1) Motivation : M, 2) Active Learning : A, 3) Transfer of Learning : T, 4) Habituating : H, 5) Elaboration : E, and 6) Review : R. The developed teaching model to strengthen mathematical process skill for Prathomsuksa 5 students revealed the efficiency at 85.80/86.64 which was higher than the required criteria of 80/80. 2) After learning and teaching by using the teaching model to strengthen mathematical process skills for Prathomsuksa 5 students, the had higher ability in mathematical process skills at the .01 level of statistical significance. 3) The ability in mathematical process skills of the students studying through teaching model was better. 4) The overall students' opinions towards the use of teaching model to strengthen mathematical process skills for Prathomsuksa 5 students were at the high level.


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