Brand Equity, Trust, and Satisfaction Relating Brand Loyalty of TRUEMOVE H 3G+


  • Thanawat Prasanthammakhun Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Ladda Vatjanasaregagul Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Narongsakdi Thanavibulchai Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Brand Equity, Trust, Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty, TRUEMOVE H 3G


         The objectives of this research were to study (1) the relationship between brand equity, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and brand loyalty of TRUEMOVE H 3G+; (2) the relationship between trust and brand loyalty of TRUEMOVE H 3G+; and (3) the relationship between satisfaction, process, physical evidence, people and brand loyalty of TRUEMOVE H 3G+.

         This study was a survey research. The population was customers using the TRUEMOVE H 3G+ service in Bangkok area. The sample size was 400 samples. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed descriptively. Statistical analysis employed were percentage, means, standard deviation and correlation coefficient.

          The results showed that (1) the relationship between brand equity, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and brand loyalty of TRUEMOVE H 3G+ were at a high level and significantly correlated. (2) The relationship between trust and brand loyalty of TRUEMOVE H 3G+ were at a very high level, and significantly correlated. (3) The relationship between the satisfaction, process, physical evidence, people and brand loyalty of TRUEMOVE H 3G+ were at a very high level, and significantly correlated.


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