Critical Success Factors Impact on Operating Efficiency of Services Industry in Health Sector in Stock Exchange Thailand


  • Nathaporn Gunnarapong College of Innovative Business and Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Daranee Uachanachit College of Innovative Business and Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University


Critical Success Factors on Operating Efficiency, Services Industry in Health Sector


           This research aims to 1) find the relationship between the importance level of the firm performance of the service industry in Health sector in Stock Exchange of Thailand and 2) present the critical success factor model of firm performance of the service industry in Health sector in Stock Exchange of Thailand. This research method was mixed method by using questionnaires as a tool for data collection to complete quality data from the populations 400 samples. This research using statistic software package. The statistics analyzed in this research were percentage, average, standard deviation. Hypothesis test statistics Multiple regression analysis (Stepwise) and the correlation coefficient analysis at 0.05

          The result found that critical success factors, including capital structure, asset structure, brand and information technology through the firm performance, including return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (P/E Ratio) at the highest level. For the hypothesis test found that the firm performance of return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), earnings per share (P/E Ratio), were positively significantly different at the 0.05 level of significant. which consistency of the assumption of the critical success factors impact on firm performance of services industry in health sector in Stock Exchange of Thailand.


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