The Development of Creative Drama Learning Activities for Stimulating Executive Functions Skill in Inhibitory Control Behavior of Preschool Children


  • Ratthaphich Saengda Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Rawiwan Wanwichai Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University


Creative drama learning activities, Executive functions skill, Inhibitory control


          The objectives of this research were to create a series of creative drama activities to promote thinking skills that influenced abstinence behavior in early childhood and to compare the thinking skills that influenced abstinence behavior among 4-to-6-year-old primary school students at Uthit Suksa Kindergarten, with problems in thinking of three abstinence behavior indicators: behavior inhibition, emotional control, and management planning. The sample consisted of a total of 19 primary school students. The results of the research were as follows: (1) the creation of a creative drama activity set to promote thinking skills influencing abstinence behavior in early childhood, with 12 activity plans. The first to the fourth activity plans were intended for developing behavior inhibition. The fifth to the eighth activity plans were used to develop emotional control. The ninth to the twelfth activity plans were for developing management planning. In addition, based on the Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) from experts, it can be concluded that the experts had the opinion that the form of creative drama activity was appropriate and consistent with the activity at the highest level; and (2) the results of the experiment to compare the indicators of thinking skills that influenced the abstinence behavior before and after organizing the creative drama activities included three indicators of creative drama activities. The average score before the event was lower than after the event. By using the evaluation of the indicators of development of emotional control, the results were at the highest level, followed by a management planning development indicator and a behavioral inhibition development indicator, respectively. 


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