A Studying Guidelines for Improving the Physical Design of the University for Suitability Education Management in the Dynamic Era Evidence from Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok


  • Kritsada Anantakarn Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok
  • Kanakarn Phanniphong Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok
  • U-koj Plangprasopchoke Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok


Improving the Physical Design, Suitability Education Management


             The objective of this research is 1) to study the physical form suitable for teaching and learning. More flexible 2) to study the pattern of creating an atmosphere of the university suitable for education to create a trend of increasing students 3) to study guidelines for building quality of life to create inspiration for staff and students and 4) to study ways to increase management efficiency such as cost reduction, reduction of energy bills. This research was elements used in the design consisting of Impact of changing environment Thailand climate analysis. Adding to the environment Allocation of campus spaces and quality of life control design of interlocking systems in buildings; building contours sky walkway system and selection of suitable materials. In this research, these elements were used as design criteria; 1) impact from environment change 2) climate analysis of Thailand 3) environmental manipulation 4) space allocation within the project. And quality control of life in the university 5) design of interlocking systems in the building 6) defining the building shape 7) the aerial walking system, and 8) selection of materials for construction.

             The results of the study showed that the university's appropriate physical improvement approach was divided into two main zones; 1) the education zone and educational support. It emphasizes the centralization of the classroom and the use of the sky corridor as a key component in the integration of the university system and 2) the business and commercial zones that are relevant and supportive of education. That allows external sources of funds to jointly invest with the university. And is the solution to the threat problem Solve educational quality problems in higher education. Responding to Thailand's strategic questions and policies develop the quality of education and research of Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok in accordance with the specified master plan. And respond to the new educational model policy of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. It is a project that focuses on enriching the right environment. Reduce energy consumption, system design, reduce the cost of centralized administration. Increase opportunities for finding external funding Create income for the university It is a model project of truly sustainable university development in all dimensions.


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