Teacher’ Academic Administration in Phayao College of Agriculture and Technology


  • Nawawan Phuanglamyai Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Ganda Sooktum Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Marut Kupatiputnukoon Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Piti Thanadkit Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Salika Kayod Pacific Institute of Management Science


Teacher’ Academic administration, Phayao College of Agriculture and Technology


            The purpose of this research 1) to study  academic administration of teacher in Phayao college of agriculture and technology, 2) to study problems and suggestions of teacher related to academic administration of Phayao college of agriculture and technologyin 6 aspects : 1) Program aspect 2) Curriculum and teaching development 3) Assessment and evaluation 4) Academic service and library 5) Educational media and 6) Dual Vocational education system.The population used in the study was 41 teachers in Phayao college of agriculture and technology, Semester 1, in the academic year 2019. Data collecting was carried out by using the rating scale questionnaires and open-ended question. The statistics used to analyze data were percentage, mean score, and standard deviation.

            The study indicated that In general, the opinions are at a high level. When considering each aspect all aspect academic admintstration in every aspect was at a high level as well. The mean was ranged form hight to low as follows : Assessment and evaluation, Program aspect, Curriculum and teaching development, Educational media, Academic service and library, Vocational education Bilateral system. And there is a suggestion have to organize department meetings at least onetime per week.Schedule of learning management plans. Teachers give students the opportunity to participate in assessments in their own courses.Provide personnel with knowledge of assessments and assessments based on students' competencies and professional skills. Student study The library have to prepared more books for agricultural professions. Teachers produce modern education media for their teaching. And provide personnel with specific knowledge in the agricultural profession teaching media.  And then opening bilateral teaching and learning with the establishment.


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