The Opinions of Relatives Towards Visiting Female Inmates in Phayao Provincial Prison


  • Jutathip Chotponghiran Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Jarassri Roopkumdee Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Suleemas Kummung Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Khamphan Akkharanet Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Wichian Sritprachan Pacific Institute of Management Science


Female Inmates, Services for visiting, Prison, Phayao


        This research aimed to  study  The opinions of relatives on visiting female inmates in Phayao Province and to compare the  opinions of relatives on visiting female inmates classified by age, gender abd education level by comparing 3 aspects which are service process,  mental service behavior of personnel, staff and facilities The instrument used  was a questionnaire to collect data with 3 parts. The samples used in this study were 392 relatives of female inmates using Yamane  which used statistics to analyze data which were Percentage, Mean and standard deviation.

T-test  F-test and One-way ANOVA.

          According to the study, it was found that most of the relatives' opinions on the services of visiting female inmates of Phayao Prison were mostly female, aged between 21 - 30 years old, with a high school education level, and employed less than 10,000 baht in income. And visit the service 1 time per month and the opinions of relatives about the service to visit the female inmates of Phayao prison. The overall  of the service for visiting female inmates in Phayao Province is at a high level. overall  the opinions of relatives on the service of visiting female inmates in Phayao classifying gender, age and education level were no different.


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