Guidelines for Potential Development of Historical Tourism Old Town Mueang District Phuket Province


  • suthasinee wiyaporn Faculty of Liberal Arts, Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Tula Chaiyasirinrot Faculty of Liberal Arts, Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Rujipa Sinsomboonthong Faculty of Management Science, Phranakhon Rajabhat University


development guideline, historical tourism, old town


                 The objective of this research was to study tourism policies of old town examine participation of villagers in tourism development and find out guidelines for tourism poltentiality development for old town Mueang District Phuket province .
                  The tool used in this research was questionnaire with 400 Thai tourists and 400 villagers.The statistics applied for data analysis were frequency,percentage,mean, and standard deviation.Also,the in-depth interview wad used with two sample groups comprising 3 government authorities and 11 operators in old town.Then ,researcher conducted content analysis.
                   The study found that 1) The government's tourism development policy is still incomplete the government sector should cooperate with villagers in order to achieve the goals. 2) villagers have not enough participation and knowledge about tourism development . The government should regularly recruit personnel with knowledge of tourism development to educate the villagers.3) most of operators have been cooperating with local authorities  villagers work in souvenir trade local products to distribute income and participation of people in the community.and 4) most of tourism have positive attitudes to following factors: travelling, activity, accommodation facilities, travel convenience Food and beverages Tourism services Community souvenir products And the potential for tourism management


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