Legal problems regarding the control of non-hotel accommodations


  • Adul Tanarach Master of Law Program Nakhon Ratchasima College
  • Kumpol Wantha Independent Academic
  • Yannakorn Warakulak Independent Academic
  • Yadanant Kuayraksa Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality and Tourism Management


controlling, non-hotel accommodation


           Because in the Civil and Commercial Code, Section 674 to Section 679 is a provision that stipulates that the Bureau is liable for any loss or damage. Caused to property of travelers or guests staying in hotels And the head office prefers to restrain travel or other belongings of travelers or guests in hotels, hotels or such places Until receiving all the money owed to him Including having the right to withhold property at public auction if the guest has not yet been paid As for the criminal law, it is only the law that comes into force after the incident occurred and there are people to complain or accuse. Therefore, it is not a law to prevent the occurrence in any way. For this reason, it is advisable to study and analyze the problem condition. Obstacles to the law that is currently effective in relation to non-hotel accommodation, both foreign and Thailand, in order to solve the current legal problems and problems.


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